Views from the Sofa is back!

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Views from the Sofa is back. After far too long trying something else movie related, I’ve decided to give my viewing and reviewing of tv shows and films another go. It will be less frequent than it was the first time and will focus much more on the reviews than on the other features I did but I will be bringing 3 of the Best vs 3 of the Worst back, as well as Career Peak.

I had three blog/movie/TV related resolutions this year that I will be using the blog to keep track of. The first resolution is to see (at least) 100 movies this year. I only managed 89 last year, with work and other commitments getting in the way. With the blog as my motivation, I will try my best to meet that target.

My second is to see (at least) 30 TV Shows. That is 30 seasons of tv shows, be it some I’ve already seen or others that are brand new to me. This will be more difficult but I can’t wait to get started.

Finally, my third resolution is to write a script for a tv show. I’ve decided to use the blog to track the progress and maybe get some advice/tips/encouragement from the people who (hopefully still) follow the blog.

Overall, there we have it – New Year and the Blog is back!

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