Christmas Classics and Review Bonanza: The Launch!

Image result for classic christmas movies

December the 1st – which means it is time to get excited about Christmas! In that spirit I put out a plea on social media for people to give me their top 5 classic Christmas movies. They had a week to take part and what a week it was. Having removed all the Christmas films I have already reviewed, the final 5 were as follows:

  1. Elf
  2. The Holiday
  3. Miracle on 34th Street
  4. The Polar Express
  5. Die Hard

This month I will watch those five classic Christmas movies and no doubt a few others, to get me in the spirit of the season.

Image result for miracle on 34th street 1994
We’ll be reviewing classic Christmas movies

As well as Christmas we have our own December tradition here at Views from the Sofa. Each year I strive to review all the films I have watched in a year before that year has finished. This usually results in a grand rush and slew of reviews in the final week of December but this year I am doing things differently. This year the total left to review so far is 28 movies (counting the five for Christmas and two more movies I’m seeing at the cinema) but that total could increase.

What is does mean is that every day this month there will be a review or some sort of movie related content so check back everyday to have your views on the varied range of movies I’ve watched this year – including our five Christmas classics.

Overall, December sees the launch of our last double theme month. Check out my views on the top 5 Christmas classics as voted by yourselves, as well as all the other random reviews that make-up our bonanza!

Image result for a star is born 2018
Check back everyday for new reviews including A Star is Born

As always get in touch below with a comment but also like our page on Facebook (Views from the Sofa) or follow us on Twitter – @viewsfromsofa

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